segunda-feira, 25 de julho de 2011

Outpouring of the Spirit

THEME: outpouring of the Spirit
TEXT: Joel 2:28-32

Promises of power 835aC filling. For the Lord's church

Matthew 3:11 "I baptize you with water unto repentance. But coming after me is that I mis powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to bear. He will baptize you with Holy Spirit and with fire.

Grieve the Holy Spirit: Ephesians 4:30 "And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption."

"Quench not the Spirit," Hebrews 5:19 I Tss

Luke 00:49 "I send upon you the promise of my Father," but "is in the city, until ye be endued with the highest power.

Get is to stay (copula);

"But you shall receive power to come upon you the Holy Spirit, and ye shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth.

Balaam, Num 24:2 "Balaam lifted up his eyes and saw Israel dwelling according to their tribes, came upon him the Spirit of God."
Samson: Judges 14:6 "The Spirit of the Lord came upon him, so he tore it from top to bottom as if ripping a kid, with nothing in hand" (The Spirit gives us physical strength).
David: I Samuel 16:13 "So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brethren.
BELIEVERS IN Pentecost: Acts 2:3 "and saw cloven tongues as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
House of Cornelius: Acts 10:44 "Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard him.

WHO IS ONLY CHILD RECEIVES: Rom 8:16 "The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God."


Joel The name literally means "Jehovah is God." This is a very common name in Israel, and Joel, the prophet, is specified as the son of Pethuel. Nothing is known about him or the circumstance of his life. Probably he has lived in Judah and prophesied in Jerusalem.
There is no way to date the book with absolute certainty, and scholars vary in their opinions. There are references in both Amos and Isaiah, who are also in Joel (cf. Joel 3:16 Am to 02.01 13.06 to Joel and Isaiah 1:15) It is the opinion of many conservatives that Amos and Isaiah have borrowed from Joel, making it one of the oldest of the minor prophets.
Moreover, the worship of God, which the high priest Jehoiada restored during the reign of Joash (2 Kings 11, 2 Chronicles 23:16), is supposed by Joel. So many argue that Joel prophesied during the first thirty years of the reign of Joash (835-796 BC), when Jehoiada was the king's counselor. That would put the ministry of Joel circa 835-805 BC.
Historical Context
Joel prophesied an era of devastation throughout the land of Judah a huge plague of locusts had stripped the countryside of all vegetation destroyed by grazing of both sheep and cattle, even took the bark of fig trees. In just a few hours, what had been a beautiful land, lush, had become a place of desolation and destruction. Contemporary descriptions of the destructive power of swarms of locusts confirms the description of the plague on Jl. The plague of locusts that Joel wrote about was larger than any one had ever seen. The entire harvest was lost, and seeds for planting the next crop was also destroyed. Famine and drought have taken over all the earth. Both the people and the animals were dying. She was so profound and disastrous, that Joel saw an explanation: it was God's Judgement.
The Book of Joel is naturally divided into two sections. The first (1.1-2.27) of this trial comes from God, a call to repentance and the promise of restoration.
The second section (2:28 to 3:21) explains that this plague, horrible as it may be, is nothing compared to the judgments of God that is underway. This was a time when not only Judah, but also all the nations of the world will be called before God.
However, we can not help but notice the most striking section of this short prophecy. By ES, Joel looks hundreds of years ahead to a time when God will pour out His Spirit "upon all flesh" (2.28). This will be a prelude to the devastation and the Lord's Judgement Day. It will be a time when all believers will feel the housing of the ES and will form a prophetic community on earth. It will be a time when the prophecy will come from young and old, similarly, when both men and women will prophesy. Salvation is not just ingualável blessing upon Judah will be a time when "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved" (2.32)



After knowing our limits, we must win many of them.

One of the responsibilities of parents to set limits for their children. During childhood and adolescence, the difficult task represents most of what we call education. This is done out of necessity and even fear. Taught early on that his son should not go away, because the dangers are many. There is no way to condemn such attitudes of teachers because many of these guidelines are relevant and indispensable. Nobody can live without limits. However, what is observed in adulthood, is that people have become too limited and need encouragement to leave the place.

It's like the circus elephant that was tied to a stake when he was young. Drew, struggled, was injured, but could not get loose.

A good example of determination and progress was that of the prophet Elisha. As she watched Elijah, he was advised to stay in any of the cities as they went. However, the student was determined to continue following their master. Because of his perseverance, he witnessed the rapture of Elijah and received a double portion of the Spirit (II Rs.2.1-15). Staying in the middle of the road would be a way to limit your experiences and ministry.
Similarly, students who persevere in following Christ also witnessed his rise to heaven and received the Holy Spirit.

This makes us think also in Ezekiel's vision (47.1-12), in which the prophet was led to the river coming out of the temple. There will be enough to contemplate it from a distance or remain on its margins. He should enter the waters, soaking up and move within them, reaching ever greater depths, until they needed to swim because it is not possible to continue walking. This is beyond the limits of reason and live by faith. It is beyond the situation manageable, comfortable and predictable, but always in obedience to the Lord.

This is God's desire for us. We need to go further in our experiences with it.

Reading the Gospels, we see that Jesus lived breaking boundaries. He went beyond what was expected of him, overcoming religious traditions and the law of Moses.

Christ broke boundaries when, at age 12, discussed with the lawyers (Lc.2.46). Contrary to the expectations of all, when, instead of continuing in the office of Joseph, became a preacher and Master (Mc.6.3). Went further to proclaim a message other than the rabbis of his time. Shocked the disciples by going to the cross. Won the limit of death, when risen and ascended into heaven. He did it all without sin, without exceeding the will of the Father This was its only parameter.

Jesus told the disciples did not die on the cross to save the world, but would work similar to what Jesus did and greater (John 14:12).

We're not talking beyond the ethical boundaries that govern our lives (or the limit of overdraft or credit card) (not the speed limit in traffic), but to break unnecessary limitations, real barriers that hinder our growth.



N's we believe in the Word of God, we are sure that to the God we serve, there is no impossível.Jr. 32: 27, Matthew 19: 26, Lk. 1: 37.
We can see that we all have problems, whatever your problem, if you believe our God resolve.Jõ. 11: 40, Mk. 19: 23.
Maybe your problem is very large, but are they bigger than the sea? Ex 14: 8-16, 21 & 22, Heb. 11: 29, Ps. 66: 5 and 6.
Maybe in your life there is a great wall that you consider it impossible for her to fall. But does your wall is higher than the walls of Jericho. Js. 6: 1-5; Js. 6: 15-20, Heb. 11: 30.
You may be experiencing a big problem, which in their eyes is a huge giant. But is is larger than the giant Goliath? I Sam 17: 40-10, 17-31, 42-45.
The storm is in your life is greater than the disciples faced the sea? Mt 8: 23-27, Isaiah 4: 4-6, Isaiah 25: 3 and 4.
Do you want to smash lions are more ferocious than those who were in the den where Daniel was released? Dn. 6: 16-22, Ps. 24: 1-8, Ps. 17: 8-12, Ps. 22: 21-24, Ps. 37: 4-6; II Tim. 4, 17 and 18.
You might say: My problems are many, it seems a crowd. Will the multitude of problems is greater than or Jehoshaphat faced woman with the flow of blood? I Cr. 20: 1 to 3e 15-21, Mk. 5: 24-31.
Your problem may be very large, but does e'maior than that of Jairus? Mc. 5: 21-24, Mk. 5: 35-42.
In prison you find yourself it's hard to get out of it, the chains that bind you can not be broken. Your prisons and jails are not worse than held his disciples. Acts 2: 1-11; At.16: 19 to 26.
How big is your thirst, the thirst that is within you is greater than the thirst of the people in the desert? Ex 17: 1-6; I Tim. 10: 34; OJ. 7: 37 and 38.
And the hunger you have within you, is it bigger than the hunger that the people felt in the desert? Example 16: 2ao 4 and 12, 13, 14 and 15. OJ. 6: 48-51, Deut. 8: 3.
And maybe his sickness is very serious, but is it more serious than that of the King Esek? Isaiah 38: 1-5, Ps. 30: 4 and 5.
The addiction, adultery, prostitution, AIDS is in your life that is greater than the leprosy of Naaman? II r. 5: 1 ao5 and 7 to 14, Luke. 17: 12-18.
Maybe you'll be going through to many needs, but will the shortage of food in your home is larger than the widow of Serepti. I Rs. 17: 8-16. The God we know is that God multiplies food. OJ. 6: 4-13.